応募フォーム(2/1~)MISSION OF YOKOSUKA【ミッションクリアでアイテムゲット!】(JP,EN)
景品提供協力: Google Niantic Labs , Anker

Time is of the essence, agents. Any agent who completes the missions outlined below will be eligible to win real-life gear. This gear will be awarded to eighteen agents (via lottery) and will be vital for success in future missions. Mission details below.
(2) (YKSK)Mission of Kinugasa Mountain - 衣笠山
(3) (YKSK)Mission of Takeyama Mountain - 武山
(4) (YKSK)Mission of Ogusuyama - 大楠山
(5) 鷹取山ハイキングコース
(6) くりはま花の国フラワートレイン
(8) (YKSK)Mission of Dobuita Street - どぶ板通り
(9) (YKSK)Mission of Verny Park - ヴェルニー公園
(10) (YKSK)Mission of Soleil hills - ソレイユの丘
(11) (YKSK)Mission of Kannonzaki Lighthouse - 観音崎
(12) (YKSK)Mission of Higashi Kanou Shrine - 東叶神社
(13) (YKSK)Mission of Uraga R2073 - 浦賀の渡し
(14) (YKSK)Mission of Sajima - 佐島
(15) (YKSK)Mission of Akiya - 秋谷
参考 YKSKミッション一覧
Complete Ingress missions for upgraded gear
1. Time frame to submit proof of completion: Feb. 2 - Feb. 28
2. Winners will be notified in early March.
3. New gear will be shipped at the end of March. If possible, agents may claim their gear in person at YY Port between March 13 and 31.
4. How to submit proof: Visit the STRATEGY BASE FOR INGRESS IN YOKOSUKA (http://www.cocoyoko.net/ingress/) and fill out the online submission form found there. Agents must include their faction, email address, home prefecture, screenshot showing proof of completed Yokosuka Mission, and chosen method of receiving gear.
5. Options for receiving gear:
① mail
② pick up in person at the YY Port
6. Eligible Missions
【Complete one of the following】
② (YKSK)Mission of Kinugasa Mountain
③ (YKSK)Mission of Takeyama Mountain
④ (YKSK)Mission of Ogusuyama
⑤ 鷹取山ハイキングコース
⑥ くりはま花の国フラワートレイン
⑧ (YKSK)Mission of Dobuita Street
⑨ (YKSK)Mission of Verny Park
⑩ (YKSK)Mission of Soleil hills
⑪ (YKSK)Mission of Kannonzaki Lighthouse
⑫ (YKSK)Mission of Higashi Kanou Shrine
⑬ (YKSK)Mission of Uraga R2073
⑭ (YKSK)Mission of Sajima
⑮ (YKSK)Mission of Akiya
① Astro E4 set (three agents from each faction)
ii. Anker Astro E4 second generation 13000mAh mobile battery
iii. DARSANA emblem badge x 2
iv. Item pass code card x 2
v. Ingress sticker
vi. Original sticker
② Astro second generation set (five agents from each faction)
ii. Anker Astro second generation 6400mAh large mobile battery(BLUE or GREEN)
iii. DARSANA emblem badge x 2
iv. Item pass code card x 2
v. Ingress sticker
vi. Original sticker
ii. DARSANA pin patch
iii. DARSANA emblem badge
iv. Item pass code card x 2
v. Ingress sticker
vi. Original sticker
8. Notice
② Results of the lottery drawing will be emailed to each participant in early March.
③ Update your email address settings to allow emails from @cocoyoko.net addresses. Participants will be considered ineligible if their email does not accept emails from that address.
④ The personal information entered at the time of submission will be used to send the lottery results and any potential prizes. It will not be used for anything else.
⑤ Cocoyoko will not reply to any inquiries regarding the reception of submissions or lottery results.
⑥ If participants are found to have lied in their submission or provided false information, they will be disqualified.
⑦ If any information is omitted at the time of submission, the submission will not be accepted.
⑧ If there are any problems with the submitted address and a prize cannot be delivered, the submission will be considered void.
⑨ There are no returns or exchanges allowed.
⑩ This campaign may be changed or cancelled without notice.